
Learning About Recordkeepers Online

In the previous post, we examined the experience of searching for a recordkeeper. In this post, we’ll consider another common experience – the referral. Many people will look for a referral from anyone they deem qualified to provide a starting point.  With a referral mindset, I asked a few DCIO wholesalers to recommend recordkeepers for small and new plans.  I heard three firms repeatedly (and reasons why):

  1. Ascensus – Low-cost, open architecture
  2. Principal – Big, hands-on, and helpful sales force
  3. John Hancock – Good, easy-to-use technology

From reviewing the firms’ Web sites, online marketing has not been a major focus to-date.  None of the top firms’ sites provides a comprehensive pre-sale experience.

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Searching for a Recordkeeper

The 401(k) market is massive. There’s nearly $3 trillion dollars in 401(k) plans. For white-collar America, it’s simply part of the on-boarding process at a new job. And those recordkeepers that sell primarily small plans, I think there’s an opportunity to increase sales from optimizing parts of the Web site.  By “optimizing,” I mean improving sales leads in two ways:

  1. Through search engine results
  2. By providing quick visibility into recordkeepers’ value proposition

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Best Blogs of the Week

This week’s best feature a few definitions. I’m torn on this.  Is it helpful or condescending (leave a comment) to define a twenty-five cent word?

American Century – The post provides six reasons why the businesses are bouncing back from recession faster than consumer. (Defining word: dichotomy)

Russell – This post shares an interesting impact of mentally shifting the quarter-end and seeing the impact on quarterly returns influenced by market volatility (Defining word: volatility).

Wells Fargo Advantage Fund – This post is a bit of  a bruiser (long, dense).  If you stay with it, the author has a few standout points about how and why the Fed is not seeing the Treasury market behave as expected.


Best Blogs of the Week

A dearth of FA impact this week, as we share two posts that cover super-committee and TIPS.  Additionally, we have our first-ever best video.

  • BlackRock – This video includes a few talking points about how the super-committee can impact investing.  As the news outlets ramp up coverage, more advisors will get questions and so this two minute video is valuable.
  • BlackRock – The author does an excellent job describing the differences in owning TIPS and TIPS ETFs.  It’s common sense but a helpful and worthwhile review as clients’ minds turn to year-end tax planning.