The Directive

A New Digital Data Service Specific to Asset Management

The Problem

For asset managers, understanding the effectiveness of digital marketing efforts has been a longstanding problem. Firms either compare themselves to themselves or look at broad, inaccurate “financial services” data. Neither is good enough, especially at a time when digital marketing is more important than ever when it comes to engaging clients.

The Solution

The Directive is a digital marketing data service specific to asset management. Starting with global e-mail efforts, The Directive provides exhaustive insight on your performance relative to your true peers.

The Process

We examine 20+ variables – content, audience, firm-specific — related to e-mail campaign execution to establish benchmarks, correlations, and qualitative perspectives on what does and does not impact success.

The Results

Semi-annual, customized reports to assess your relative success and evaluate your approach.


Get in touch with us. We look forward to discussing how The Directive can work for you.

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