
Best Blogs of the Week vol 188

All three posts this week have an international bend to them.

Yuan Taking Over –BlackRock

“… over the past 18 months, we’ve seen more of a two-way market. Investors should expect this to continue, as there are contrasting factors impacting the currency.”

A Bad Bond Proposition –M&G

“Few bond market offerings tick all the boxes, but if we are to be suitably compensated, and subject to certain red lines, we are generally sanguine.”

International Investing –WisdomTree

“if there is little to no expected return, but an additional source of volatility, why layer currency exposure on top of international equity exposure?”

Best Blogs of the Week

Three posts of note this week.

  • Columbia – Helpful post on the implications related to a stronger dollar.
  • M&G – For FAs that look at key market indicators, this is a helpful post (and chart really) on US consumer confidence.
  • Putnam – The blog is definitely a place to share innovative concepts and theories. I can’t recall a single thought leadership piece calling for this diversifier.


Best Blogs of the Week

Hope it was an enjoyable Columbus Day for all. Two posts this week, including another asset manager new to the Best…

  • M&G – Nice post relating IMF decisions on the global investment landscape
  • Russell – Excellent post incorporating the behavioral finance tenets