Best Blogs of the Week

Best Blogs of the Week

This week’s best blogs have two different takes on the potential for a double-dip recession.  Not only is the topic very timely, but BlackRock and Russell set up the blog posts in FA-friendly manners.  So as advisors read these blogs, they could easily incorporate the ideas into discussions with their clients.  The third is from a newcomer – NYLIM.  It’s not really a blog post but the Q&A format is interesting and the 3-question format is similar to a blog.

  1. BlackRock – This post shares what to do if a double-dip is imminent.
  2. Russell – This post points out the opinion of numerous managers on a double-dip.
  3. NYLIM – This Q&A discusses high-yield in a succinct, informative manner.

Best Blogs of the Week

For the first time, we didn’t find three blogs to present.  We did read two posts that presented important insights.  Insights an FA could pick-up and use immediately.

Virtus – Joe Terranova presents a rational case for his current concerns in US equities.  It’s digestible and probably worth consideration as skittish investors continue to press their FAs for ways to understand if the market will swing upwards.

BlackRock – We are proponents of the dueling opinions format.  Matt Tucker and Russ Koesterich sound off on the Federal Reserves “twist” strategy.  It’s succinct, compelling and shows BlackRock isn’t afraid to showcase different opinions.

Best Blogs of the Week

This week we saw a lot of blogs, but primarily focused on very current events.  While those can be interesting, they can also be so specific as to become stale in two days.  Here we have three interesting premises, in three different blogs.

  1. Vanguard – This post provides a clear relation (and line of thinking) between the large sell-off last month and retirement.
  2. Russell – Great post on what advisors think retirees want and what retirees actually want.
  3. Wells Fargo – The always enjoyable Dr. Jacobsen uses this post to share his opinion on a US version of a value-added sales tax.

Best Blogs of the Week

Last week’s best blogs include a double-double (delicious, right?) from Russell and a solid case for gold stocks courtesy of Wells Fargo Advantage Funds.

  1. Russell – I couldn’t agree more with the author’s point that DC menu’s need a significant overhaul.  Too many choices negatively impact too many plan participants.
  2. Russell – The blog continues to share quality analogies that relate statistics to investment selection.  It may be simplistic for many, yet probably very appealing to more.
  3. Wells Fargo – This post will be extremely beneficial for any advisor discussing different (from bullion) gold-investing options.
Double-Double photo is courtesy Scott Beale.

Best Blogs of the Week

We hope everyone had a tremendous long weekend and is settling in for a busy autumn.  This week’s best blogs have no  connected theme, other than being effective and entertaining.

  1. American Century – This post makes a compelling case to add quant strategies into an asset allocation program; probably very helpful for an advisor already trying to make that case.
  2. Russell – This post includes a fantastic and simple graphic along with a few good points on how to engage clients.
  3. BlackRock – The author provides 3 reasons to consider last week’s manufacturing data as crucial to an advisor that has to prognosticate.