Franklin Templeton

Best Blogs of the Week

Another week and another newcomer to the best blogs of the week. This week it is Oppenheimer. With the first presidential convention under way, this week included numerous blog posts linked to the November elections. I’m sure we’ll continue to see more posts up to the election (and probably afterwards). In this review, we included two posts with links to government.

  • AllianceBernstein – This post describes the differences between an Obama and Ryan budget plan. As advisors receive greater inbound questions, similar posts will help shape those advisors’ answers.
  • BlackRock – Simply a fantastic infographic.
  • Franklin Templeton – The driest of the four, this post provides practical input on risk management when overseeing a portfolio.
  • Oppenheimer – This post discusses the impact of Chairman Bernake’s reappointment by President Obama’s in 2010 and the importance to consider the effect of a change.




Best Blogs of the Week

Post 4th, the industry’s volume (of blogs) feels down. Let’s see if that continues throughout the summer or not. We found two compelling blogs this week, from the usual suspects.

  • AllianceBernstein – This post may have some cross-over appeal into the institutional market as Mr. Peebles discusses global bonds from a Liability-Driven Investing (LDI) perspective. LDI is primarily considered by institutional investors, and some FAs.
  • BlackRock – This post is a Q&A with an FA on how she uses social media. It’s interesting and potentially an eye-opener for other FAs (though FAs that read blogs are probably already using LinkedIn and other tools).

And in case our June 26th post didn’t have enough fiscal cliffs, Franklin Templeton brings up the idea this week.

Best Blogs of the Week

This week’s best of blogs started with a single criteria: no more Europe. I imagine many FAs are fatigued by the constant stream of European danger signs. So, here are three, non-European blog posts.

  • AllianceBernstein – A practical post for any FA with entrepreneurial clients considering selling part or all of their business.
  • BlackRock – Dividend investing is having its day. It’s dividends morning, noon, and night. Well, this post does an excellent job of looking at the strategy for reasons beyond yield.
  • Franklin Templeton – Select firms spent a lot of time in advance of 5/29 promoting the date as college saving day. This post summarizes the benefits of 529 plans well and includes a high-impact graphic.

Best Blogs of the Week

We hope everyone enjoyed a significant amount of food and beverage over Thanksgiving.  While the volume trailed off at the end of the week, the week began with a bevy of blogs.  Here are three excellent posts.

  1. American Century – This post highlights the supercommittee scenarios of cutting budget or not and the impact to portfolios.  This is clear, direct and easy for an FA to absorb and consider.
  2. US Funds – This post makes a clear reason to consider technology investments for the long-term.  It’s an example of sharing ideas without pitching product.
  3. Franklin Templeton – A video post that discusses the drivers of Latin American growth and the role investing in Latin America may play for a portfolio.

Best Blogs of the Week

This week’s best blogs includes one slightly older post.  It just didn’t make the cut last week but still remained interesting.

  1. Virtus – Great blog title – Six Charts that Matter – who doesn’t have time for six charts?  Further who’s not curious to see if you agree/disagree with Joe here.
  2. Franklin Templeton – This post provides a brief and digestible synopsis of Abu Dhabi; way better than wikipedia.
  3. Vanguard – While it seems strange to a 529 dayh (is April 1st, “401k day”) last week, this is a great post on how and why 529 accounts matter.