Best Blogs of the Week #249

Best Blogs of the Week #249

Power. A President’s power on the global markets. As we’re one day from selecting (please let there not be a tie) the 45th POTUS, it’s a topic that is on many American minds. The Loomis Sayles post shares market impacts directly tied to Presidential power.

BlackRock – Are International Markets Back? – Very slowly, almost stealthily, international equity markets are clawing back relative to the United States. On a dollar-adjusted basis Japanese stock returns are now on par with the United States, with both the S&P 500 and the Nikkei 225 up around 4.5% year-to-date.

President and price to earnings since 1954

Loomis Sayles – Presidential Power: Are We At Risk for a Trade War? – The president has enormous powers to tear up trade agreements and, in many cases, to impose tariff penalties to advance US interests as interpreted by the president.

SSgA It’s About Time: Using ‘Satisficing’ to Help Clients Make Better, More Efficient Decisions – For all investors, “satisficing” can be the foundation of a more structured process around investment decisions. Satisficing—which combines satisfying and sufficing, and was coined by behavioral economist Herbert Simon—is a way to manage uncertainties in the decision-making process, to stay focused on goals and to avoid being overwhelmed by unlimited information.