Best Blogs of the Week #220

Best Blogs of the Week #220

Three posts in our 220th edition related to industry blogs. Two viewpoints on a similar topic; which is very exciting (to us).

ABHigh Yield: Could the 2008 Crisis Repeat Itself? – We understand why investors are concerned. Memories of the global financial crisis are still fresh in all of our minds, and sharp sell-offs like the one high yield has endured are never pleasant. But in our view, the recent turmoil simply doesn’t compare to what happened in 2008.

Franklin Templeton – This is Not 2008 – In our assessment, market fears of deflation are unwarranted. The decline in headline inflation has been driven by the collapse in oil prices, yet core inflation has been positive and stable.

InvescoPresident’s budget retirement proposals: Few new, many repeats – While most ideas are repeats from past budgets, some of which have been slightly tweaked, several new provisions debuted this year.