MFEA Content Marketing – 5 Quick Tidbits

MFEA Content Marketing – 5 Quick Tidbits

During a humid June week in Kansas City (aren’t they all?), the MFEA convened a group of marketers from across the industry. I moderated a panel on content marketing and thought to share 5 points. We were fortunate to have three excellent panelists from Aberdeen Asset Management, American Century Investments, & RidgeWorth Investments.

  1. There’s not a unified definition for content marketing. Some associate the term with content-centric campaigns leading meant to increase Web site (or microsite) usage. Other firms define content marketing by building a content library to market (the firm) from.
  2. Everyone seemed to agree that infrequent high-quality content is better than the reverse.
  3. Most firms are investing or considering marketing automation software to simplify dissemination.
  4. All firms are modifying their content processes to account for the clear demand (by FAs) for brief content.
  5. Measurement continues to be nebulous. Metrics discussed went from Web traffic to lead generation even to asset growth.