Best Blogs of the Week

Best Blogs of the Week

Four interesting blogs taken from the 80+ blog entries posted over the last two weeks.

  • Columbia -This post supports the idea that the best-rewarded investors are the ones that avoid timing investments. From our FA proprietary research, we hear FAs say this theme comes up time and again.
  • Pioneer – We all like to know “worst case” scenarios. Well this post provides a succinct list of potential worst cases for the US economy. It’s such a strong post because the author reminds and enables advisors to discuss these topics with their clients. And those clients will appreciate knowing “worst case.”
  • Russell – This time of year, there’s a lot of tax-related blogging. This post provides a helpful chart and investing tie-in when contemplating the potential tax changes.
  • Wells Fargo – Gasoline. The TV talking heads, politicians, and economic pundits talk about gasoline prices too much. But this post provides logic (and two charts!) around what to consider if prices increase.