A StarTAC revival for the ultra-connected set…

A StarTAC revival for the ultra-connected set…

Do you remember the great cellular phone of 1996 – the Motorola StarTAC?  I remember the easy user interface and durability (flights of subway stairs were no match for the StarTAC).

Anyhow, during a massive flight delay, I got to chatting with two seasoned sales people from the enterprise software industry.  Each had a laptop, iPad, & BlackBerry.  And as they bestowed knowledge upon me, I got to ask them how they use the different devices (note: all devices provided by their employer), what they like/dislike about the tools, and how the tools changed sales.  Significant opinions and knowledge provided!

Afterwards, it became clear to me that with the ubiquitous (albeit slow) Verizon iPad, they had relegated the BlackBerry to be, well, just a phone.  They didn’t like the tiny screen and the massive scrolling to look through all their emails.  And both commented on the lightness of the iPad – they proclaimed to take it everywhere.

So perhaps the next evolutionary step is to make the tablet more robust and the phone less so.  Perhaps Motorola can revive the StarTAC for the ultra-connected employee.