Best Blogs of The Week

Best Blogs of The Week

This week’s best blogs includes a newcomer,  US Funds, and two list regulars.

  1. US Funds – This post explains the relationship between gold bullion and gold equities.  Though a bit long-winded, the write shares some valuable information and intuitive relationships between bullion and firms.
  2. BlackRock – I like posts that take a high-frequency news item and relate the issue to investors.  I can imagine many FAs valuing this post because it relates current economic and political uncertainty to investments.
  3. Vanguard – The post itself – get college graduates to save immediately – isn’t that interesting.  The video linked from it is interesting.  For advisors with clients with children in college, this video is a 90 second refresher on typical students’ perspectives.  That can be helpful in discussing investing with those clients and how-to speak to their children about the topic.