Best of Blogs

Best of Blogs

This week has two blog posts and an excellent tweet.  Both blog posts use research (one in-house, the other from AARP) to present a single topic effectively.

  1. Russell – The company continues to use visuals in manners way ahead of other managers.  With good tagging and organization, they will soon have an arsenal of visuals to supplement and support many different discussions with different target audiences.  In this post, Russell shares topics most discussed by financial professionals during Q2.
  2. Vanguard – This post explains how most 401(k) participants pay attention only to explicit fees and how the DOL is changing regulations to help participants better understand costs.
  3. BlackRock – New to twitter (outside of iShares), the tweet below resonates with many financial advisors.  In our discussions with FAs, many talk about QE2 and how they describe the topic to clients.

Tweet on QE2