A Naissance consultant walks into a bar…

A Naissance consultant walks into a bar…

… and happens to sit next to an investment consultant and two institutional sales guys from a top-5 asset manager.

Well, that happened earlier this week.  I sat down for an exciting burger and overheard a great conversation that reinforced one critical lesson: listen, listen, and listen more.

The conversation began something like:

Consultant: I’m trying to place $200 MM this quarter and we’ve been overweight American Funds.

Sales pro: That’s interesting.  Tell me how you got to be overweight American Funds and why that’s an issue.

The consultant then described his and his firm’s process and some history of investment selections.  The salesperson did an amazing thing there.  While 9 out of 10 folks would have launched into pitching their own funds, he was able to get the consultant to speak at length about process, management and history without asking for those things explicitly.  He ascertained additional information to further refine his pitch.

Listening is one of the most-talked-about, least-practiced skills. This was a great case study.