Best Blogs of the Week #216

Best Blogs of the Week #216

Many asset managers are starting to acknowledge and blog about a potential global recession. Here are two of the better posts related to a global recession.

M & GWhat’s all this fuss about a recession? – If we’re sticking to the facts, this sell-off is way over-done. To make us worry that we are about to plunge into global recession we would have to hear more convincing explanations as to how the factors impacting asset prices are going to become net negatives for global growth.

Wells Fargo Worried about the market? These charts can help – So far in 2016, the daily return on the S&P 500 Index has been -2% or worse three times in the span of 12 days. For perspective, the stock market dropped that many times plus one for all of 2012. The average number of days the market drops 2% or more is five times per year.